Sunday, September 14, 2008

Benedict XVI & Opus Dei are Piranhas

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei pack of wolves over the Jesuit Jon Sobrino.... and now Tom Doyle

This cartoon of the media as a pack of wolves raging over Sarah Palin depicts the Opus Dei modus operandi with the Jesuit Jon Sobrino and the prophet Tom Doyle who predicted it would cost the Catholic Church hundreds of millions of dollars in court settlements to the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

Opus Dei want to have WORLD DOMINATION and they will destroy their critics like a pack of raging wolves like this cartoon illustrates.
The Jesuit Jon Sorbino who has worked all his life with the poorest in El Salvador was silenced by Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei because he criticised Pope John Paul II's visit to El Salvador.

Opus Dei wolves devour its critics and enemies - very subtly - like what they did to the humble Jon Sobrino of the Crucified People of El Salvador.

Opus Dei does not want to have any critic of their god John Paul II but Jon Sobrino has written it in stone that John Paul II is not worthy to be a "saint" in American lips.


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