Thursday, April 17, 2008

Opus Dei Pope #2 - Benedict XVI effeminate voice is GAY Pope

Opus Dei Pope #2 - Benedict XVI's effeminate voice is the greatest proof that he is GAY and hence lives 24/7 with his GAY private secretary, Monsignor Georg also a German (no, not the public Jesuit secretary who takes orders from) Mr. Benedict's Mrs. Georg -- the Mystical GAY Marriage at the Vatican -- clone of the GAY Mystical Marriage between John Paul II and St? Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer!.

As the Opus Dei pope #2 read his speech in the lawn of the White House, it was the most disgusting voice of a "shepherd" -- no wonder he needs all the costumes and pompous background to divert attention from his un-manly stature.

Jon Stewart at Comedy Central last night showed the Pope's voice and then he imitated the German voice -- he drove the point that this Opus Dei Pope really sounds like a whimp and a chicken.

Americans who buy into the Shrek Delusion is also buying into the whimp-voice Opus Dei Pope #2 Benedict XVI, God's Shrink!

The women at The View all wore red shoes today to honor Benedict and they mentioned a little bit about priest-pedophilia and Cardinal Law, but really, those women knows little about the issue because they couldn't stick to it long enough as one of their 'hot topics' before going to discuss the polygamy-women of Texas who appeared in Larry King Live. They should have at least mention SNAP and all the protests going on in Washington and New York.

Well, now that we have heard the effeminate voice of the Vicar of Chirst on earth, isn't that a shame that Christ has to sound so effeminate and GAY. Actually God's Rottweiler no longer suit Benedict XVI, because there are no GAY dogs...nor gayish voice of dogs.

Benedict XVI duly sounds like this, the artist captured well his voice.

(No offense meant to the GAYS!)


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