Saturday, December 15, 2007

Benedict XVI image GAY Zeffirelli

Benedict XVI's BIG NOSE couldnot sniff PRIEST-PEDOPHILIA brewing right in front of his UGLY face as Cardinal Ratzinger of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

GAY pope Benedict XVI the RAT in red! Benedict is adding some color to his white hair and white robe because he is so white like Lucifer!

Pope Benedict smile with an UGLY sneer, scoff and jeer that Santa Claus looks nicer in red with his HOHOHO! Santa is much nicer to kids than the German RAT who led the pedophile ring under the papal skirts of John Paul II.

The clone of narcissistic John Paul II and St? Josemaria Escriva (who had a face-lift with his name so many times) is hiring the openly GAY Italian director Zeffirelli to help Benedict XVI with his UGLY image. Now how VAIN can you get. The Italian gays must be right that the Pope is GAY and so is his GAY nephew in Munich!

Did Jesus Christ ever have an "image consultant"? What kind of a "Vicar of Christ" is this latest pope who judge GAYS as "morally intrinsic EVIL people" and then hire GAYS to make him more pope-looking? The deceptive tricks of Hollywood now becomes Popelywood at the Vatican! When will Catholics ever GET REAL? All those money going to the Vatican only to be used by the GAY Pope and his GAY Private Secretary Georg for their Opus Dei orchestrated vanity? How outrageous - plastic surgery and daily make-up artists for Benedict XVI so he can appear in a GAY Zeffirelli film? Beauty is only skin deep, the Church tells women, but the Pope at 80 is desperately hanging on to his aging skin even at the price of the DECEPTIVE tricks of filmmaker "morally intrinsic evil" GAY Zeffirelli! The chameleon Devil must be laughing in Hell with John Paul II!

No wonder, Pope Benedict XVI never had time for the 12,000 poor American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army! He is obsessed with his image before the Opus Dei mirror: Oh, mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most powerful of them all?

Sat Dec 15, 1:09 PM

ROME (AFP) - Italian film and opera legend Franco Zeffirelli has agreed to become an image consultant to Pope Benedict XVI, the director said in an interview published Saturday.

The pope does not have a "happy image," Zeffirelli told La Stampa, adding: "Coming after a pope as telegenic as John Paul II is a difficult task."

Benedict, elected in 2005, "comes across coldly, which isn't suited to his surroundings," Zeffirelli said, adding that the pope's wardrobe "should be reviewed."

The pope's robes are "too sumptuous and flashy," the 84-year-old director of "Jesus of Nazareth" and "Romeo and Juliet" told the daily La Stampa. They should instead reflect "the simplicity and sobriety seen in the other echelons of the Church," he said.

The 80-year-old German pope "doesn't smile much, but he's an intellectual," Zeffirelli said.

The pope also wants Zeffirelli be a consultant to the Vatican "responsible for defending the faith in cinema, the image of the sacred," the director said.

"The Holy father is very aware that the Church's cinematographic communication is in ruins today. ... As a Christian I cannot stand by while this disaster unfolds," Zeffirelli said.

"I should have the full authority -- and the Holy Father would not deny me -- to denounce the continual blasphemies committed with the intention of popularising the Christian message," he said.

"You have to pay attention, as shown by the fallout from Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ' which irreversibly harmed the memory of millions of people," the director added.

"Images have invaded ... values that used to belong to preaching and the written word," he lamented. "Advertising language has become ubiquitous in the religious domain."

Zeffirelli has brainstormed ideas with the pope and senior Vatican officials, but will get to work in earnest after his staging of Puccini's "Tosca," which opens at the Rome Opera on January 14, he said.

Yahoo News

Comment: Remember that when you put money into the RC Church, you aren't necessarily paying for charitable causes. You are paying to keep a remarkably wealthy organizations leadership living in palaces, in this case, as well as paying for lawyers to defend pedophiles so that the chruch can reintroduce them to new parishes and new unsuspecting families. Never forget that this is a business enterprise first and foremost... it isn't a charity or anything.
Matty H'

I love it!!! When an institution that is anti-gay wants an image make-over, who do they ask??? Someone who is gay and very open about it.

Zeffirelli confesses that he is GAY and had relationship with filmaker Visconti


Monday, December 03, 2007

Benedict XVI second encyclical HOPE-LESS for victims of clergy sexual abuse

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei are at it again, manipulating Catholics with cunning words and insulting Liberation Theology through their reference to Spartacus:

(The Vatican) "Spe Salvi" draws upon the rich treasure of Benedict XVI's learning, with references from the lives of the saints and the Church Fathers....Referring to the New Testament's times, he writes, "Christianity did not bring a message of social revolution like that of the ill-fated Spartacus, whose struggle led to so much bloodshed. Jesus was not Spartacus, he was not engaged in a fight for political liberation."

The reference of Spartacus is a subtle way of papal condemnation of Liberation Theology. Yes, Spartacus would have loved to free the poor people in Latin America instead of waiting and sitting for the Vatican and the Opus Dei who do nothing to liberate the poor.

Well, the Opus Dei campaign to make the pope a demi-god goes on, always in very subtle ways. But Benedict XVI is NOT Jesus Christ even if he is crowned "Supreme Pontiff". And he is FAULTY Conscience of our Age because priest pedophilia is a faded memory to him. Ratzinger God's Rottweiler is no warrior like Spartacus because he did not fight for the liberation of 12,000 American children victims of his predecessor John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. And he has amnesia from the bloodsheds of the Church Inquisition and the Crusade worse than his take on Spartcaus.

Victims of clergy sexual abuse suffer a living hell, a lingering death of their souls. It is not "bloodshed" but their innermost souls who suffer worse than bloodshed. The victims of oppressive governments in Latin America do suffer actual "bloodshed" because the Pope, the Vatican and the Opus are allies with the political armies (like Josemaria Escriva was ally with Pinochet and Franco) because they want to keep their church wealth together and with the help of the elite of the country.

BOYCOTT and PROTEST Benedict XVI's visit to America!

PROTEST the beatification and canonization of John Paul II. He did NOTHING for the chidlren of America. He does not deserve to be called a saint by American LIPS and in American SOIL!

Note on Opus Dei and the suppression of Liberation Theology in Latin America:

Yet the hostility to liberation theology on the part of the church hierarchy in the last six years has been out of all proportion to these limitations. Under Archbishop Sáenz Lacalle, an Opus Dei man, the strategy has not been to reform liberation theology, but to undo and remove all traces of it. There are frequent denunciations of it by church leaders in the national press; bishops have withdrawn funding and support from key programmes; priests have been strategically shifted, and nuns expelled. Drastic changes have been made to the seminary curriculum, with books containing liberationist teachings banned, conservative rectors put in charge, and seminarians pulled in from pastoral outposts in poor areas. For the visitor, who inevitably has in mind Archbishop Romero’s brave pronouncements from the pulpit in the Metropolitan Cathedral, it is the sermons that most register the change. When you hear them, it is hard to realise you are in El Salvador at all.


The Vatican - the wealthiest institution on earth.

The papal contempt for Liberation Theology is mindboggling. "The Church may preach of another world, but their real interest is THIS WORLD!...The Vatican owns much more of the world than anybody else"

PBS documentary of the Inquisition

Benedict oppress the Jesuits: BXVI and Jon Sobrino

BXVI and Liberation Theology

BXVI want East Timor

Benedict will spend his 81st birthday in America! What should be done is to arrest him and jail him in America where he led the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for more than 30 years! Yap, that is more than a quarter of a century! Wake up, America! Give your American dollars to the poor and NOT to the wealthiest institution on the planet!

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 5,450 priests - John Paul II and Benedict XVI and Opus Dei

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Benedict XVI Matrix clone

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Benedict XVI coming to New York, Washington and Boston! in April 2008

GAY pope the RAT z in red! Benedict is adding some color to his white hair and white robe because he is so bright like Lucifer!

Pope Benedict smile with an UGLY sneer, scoff and jeer that Santa Claus looks nicer in red with his HOHOHO and is much nicer to kids than the German RAT z who led the pedophile ring under the papal skirts of John Paul II.

So the "flying pope" with his gay private secretary is coming to America. Well, why not, after all his counterpart Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a talk at Columbia University and the United Nations, so now it is God's Rottweiler turn to fool us with the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION agenda.

"The Conscience of Our Age" is coming to deceive us in our American soil and the best papal welcome is to BOYCOTT ALL his papal Masses and BOYCOTT ALL his God Rottweiler appearances in America!

According to several news sources, these are the intended God's Rottweiler pit stops where he will preach (defecate) his global deceptions surrounded by John Paul II papal clones and Opus Dei mouthpiece Fr. Richard McBrien.

April 18 - 20

New York
Speech at the United Nations
Mass at St. Patrick Basilica
Mass at the Yankee Stadium

Meet President Bush at the White House
Visit Catholic University and the John Paul II Cultural Center (in the mire)
Mass at the National Park stadium

Mass and address the clergy sexual abuse scandal (which he did nothing for 26 years during the papacy of John Paul II as Prefect of the CDI)

Benedict will spend his 81st birthday in America! What should be done is to arrest him and jail him in America where he led the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for more than 30 years! Yap, that is more than a quarter of a century! Wake up, America! Give your American dollars to the poor and NOT to the wealthiest institution on the planet!

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 5,450 priests - John Paul II and Benedict XVI and Opus Dei

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Benedict XVI nephew is GAY

GAY pope the RAT z in red! Santa Claus looks nicer and is nicer to kids than the German RAT z who led the pedophile ring under the papal skirts of John Paul II.

Benedict XVI has a gay nephew running a gay bar in Munich, full of his Uncle's pictures...everyone in Munich knows it...just ask around...a fixture for Oktoberfest at the moment....

And Benedict's German secretary is gay, the poster boy of the Lavender Mafia. See their loving poses

Ingrid Stampa, Papa Ratzy's live in 'housekeeper' of 30 years, his junior, is, well...his "housekeeper" wink-wink... and a blitz kreig bitch on wheels...

Sister Ingrid, 55, is regarded as the Pope’s confidante rather than merely head of his household. A member of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, she shares his interests in music and literature and has been his “right-hand woman” for 15 years.


Benedict XVI was chosen as Person of the Year in 2005 for his stance on gays.

Thank you for this gay info, Holy See Insider!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Benedict XVI wants to steal East Timor

The Pontiff Pharisee of the 21st Century!

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers —or even like this tax collector...... (Luke 18:9-14)

As Cardinal RATzinger, Benedict led the cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests for more than 26 years papacy of John Paul II, yet not once did he "silence" or gave "Notification" to anyone of them. But he silenced Jesuits like Jon Sobrino who gave their lives to the poor.

RAT FACE! of the RAT z! who covered-up the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Why Benedict XVI Wants To Steal East Timor

"Left Wing, Right Wing' divides are illusory. In a country that has not had several hundred years of advanced capitalism, these classifications, are , to my mind, rather rhetorical. Besides, the real enemies can use these distinctions to their advantage. You will find that the real long term enemy of the people, the real, long term division maker, are the Western colonisers. I do not mean the multi-nationals that can be controlled (sometimes) by intelligent governments; I mean the one INTERNATIONAL that no single government can control -- The Catholic Church and the Christian conquest it serves.

I don't think anyone on the planet, if he reads even the latest statements of Benedict XVI, the latest great White Father and Infallible One of the West, can doubt the messianic intentions of the Christian west. The Church may preach of another world, but their real interest is THIS WORLD! And, already, as Benedict, the present Managing Director and ex-soldier (of God and Hitler) knows only too well, the Vatican owns much more of the world than anybody else. It's capacity and willingness to spark off a war, whether in Korea, Vietnam, or East Timor is surely not to be doubted any more.By the time the Pope and Opus Dei are finished with East Timor and Sri Lanka, only ex-priests and ex-nuns will get a job there!

You have to live in a Catholic country to appreciate how the Leprechauns do God's work!

Seamus Breathnach

Sri Lankan state crackdown in Left wing activists and Independent media

News about the persecution and intimidation of Left wingers and Independent media who do not agree with the war against the LTTE.

The Sri Lankan state under President Mahindra Rajapakse is trying to destroy the Sri Lankan working class movement - the only movement that has the capability of bringing peace to Sri Lanka. As the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) has intensified, Rajapakse has reintroduced the notorious ‘Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorist Activities’ bill – a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of suspects without trial. President Rajapakse and the army chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka spoke to the media; the media were warned not to criticize the war as it will effect the morale of the of the army – there is a de facto censorship in the Sri Lankan media about the war. The new bill aims at silencing all those who think differently to Rajapakse, and scaring and browbeating the Left. These are the ‘suspects’ of the ‘Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorist Activities’ bill: journalists, Independent media activists, trade unionists, Left wing activists and anyone else who does not believe that Rajapakse’s way can bring peace to Sri Lanka.

This new law has allowed the Sri Lankan state to harass and intimidate the Independent media; there have been killings, kidnappings, and death threats. These are aimed at identifying anyone who questions Rajapakse’s policies as accomplices of the LTTE ‘terrorists’. To anybody who follows the international news, this kind of ‘terrorism’ bill – intimidation, detention without trial etc – will sound familiar. There is a family resemblance between this bill and similar legislation that has been passed in the ‘freedom loving’ countries of the West.
There is little doubt that these attacks and abductions on journalists and Left wing activists is being carried out by the security and army intelligence services, and chauvinist paramilitary thugs working with the state. (Read the entire news article here


01 May 2007

Pope invited to visit East Timor and “help establish peace”

Dili (AsiaNews/UCAN) – Outgoing East Timor President Xanana Gusmao has invited Pope Benedict XVI to visit East Timor, just as Pope John Paul II did in 1989. The invitation was made April 12 at the presidential palace in Dili during a ceremony at which he officially commissioned Justino Maria Aparicio Guterres as East Timor's first ambassador to the Holy See.

President Gusmao told the Pope through the new ambassador that "[w]e would be honoured and are waiting for your visit to our country, to help establish peace in the hearts of Timorese people and thereby strengthen national reconciliation.”

During the ceremony, Mr Gusmao also said, appointing an ambassador was important to strengthen relations with the Vatican, which has been a pillar of support for East Timor during difficult times. He specifically recalled Pope John Paul's brief visit when East Timor was still under Indonesian occupation.

Bishop Alberto Ricardo da Silva of Dili added his voice, calling upon the faithful to support the new ambassador with their prayers.

“We hope the pope will accept our invitation because it would have huge impact and help restore peace and unity in our country,” the bishop said.

In its brief history, the small nation—independent from Indonesia since 2001—has experienced bloody inter-ethnic violence and political repression.

read full article

Posted by Michael S. Rose at 9:10 AM

Seamus Breathnach said...


It's the same everywhere and all the time.

'The Pope is invited to visit East Timor to “help establish peace”

'The Outgoing East Timor President Xanana Gusmao invites Pope Benedict XVI to visit East Timor, just as Pope John Paul II did in 1989.'

The invitation is always made to appear so spontaneous, as if the Popes don't invite themselves whereever they please, especially when they receive such invitations from their puppet agents in subversion. And if it isn't the Pope , it' s George Bush or Tony Blair. In the case of East Timor -- it could be anywhere from Ireland to the Phillipines -- no mention at all is made of the Papacy's role in first invading and subverting the Island with Portuguese traders as the rump of the christian conquest.

Recently in Venuezuela Chavez managed to hit the nail on the head. Instead of a papal invitation ,he demanded an apology. In the following letter addressed to President Chavez, I wonder might I redirect it at the Outgoing East Timor President Xanana Gusmao. It seems to me the same letter is appropriate wherever the Pope goes. The Christian conquest, which has ravished Europe for two thousand years, is not being exported to the Christian colonies, and if the colonies fight back, they are terrorists.

Maybe the people of East Timor would like to know what happened to the first such island that the Pope illegally and unlawfully subverted to his own possession and use , and which he treacherously led to absolute destruction and a thousand years of bloodshed between the little islands of Ireland and Britain.

The following letter to President Chavez will explain what is in store for East Timor for listening and allowing Vatican fraudsters amongst them.

Venezuela’s President Chavez Tells Pope to Apologize to Indigenous Peoples


Dear President Chavez, spirited by your attitude to the Vatican and its very dishonourble gallery of historic rogues, might I remind you of a letter written by Pope Adiran IV to Henry 11 in circa. 1165. This letter herein added for your perusal virtually sold the indigenous people of my country to the Norman and English Cahtolics of the Middle Ages.

The culture of the indigenous people of Ireland has since become as defunct as the Mammoth or the Dinosaur. All because of the Pope's whim for rentals of a shilling per household , to be collected by the English king, this treacherous Pope plunged a culture to its death and plunged the living people into a war that was to last for a thousand years.

Very few of my country-people know the details of the Pope's treachery. Why? Because the Pope owns all the schools from the lowest infants to the highest third level institution and with the aid of Opus Dei , he mans Parliament, the schools, the hospitals, the judiciary, the civil service, the police, the army, etc.,etc. He has recently -- not unlike as of old -- drafted in many Catholic Polish persons to help him to run the country in the future without as much as one word of debate in Parliament.

The point is, I think, that the Popes have managed to transplant the whole bassis of the indigenous people and to replace them with his Norman, English and Polish mercenaries. He does the same in Croatia, East Timor, the Lebanon, Vietnam, the Phillipines, and , no doubt , Venuzuela. But I am sure you are , Mr President, aware of all these things. And while it is much too late in the day for my country to recovery any dignity of its past institutions -- for there is not one pagan festival or emblem that was allowed to survive before the acid eradication of the Christian conquest. Even to the present day -- and after the RC Church got its freedom from Protestant England, there are not 1,000 families who can speak the Gaelic language. The conquering Church ,which likes to have things called after some Gaelic name or other, lest the people become aware of their role in history, cannot produce a journalist who can pronounce the Chairman of the Senate ('Cathaorleach an tSeanaid'). So corrupt is the Chruch0-and-the-State, that the people have been duped into paying their taxes as damages to the children whom the RC clerics have buggered. And one can't get more corrupt than that!

What is my point in writing, Mr. President?

It is this. In the Middle Ages the Papacy, when it lost its army, started wars that it got others to finish. Whether it was colonial British and Normans in Ireland, Flemish in Lombard Italy, the French in England, or the English in France, whether it was the Portuguese in East Timor, Vietnam, the Lebanon, the Phillipines -- all these countries which, I am sure, Mr President ,you are painfully aware -- ; the most significant principles that surface are those which point to the Papacy as a war-mongering state, and to the fact that it will always use the strongest bodies over the weakest in any engagement.

I am sure, Mr. President that you are already aware of successive Popes' ambitious allignment with Anglo- America. When it pulverised Vietnam -- as with Ireland and Italy in the middle ages -- it was sending out the message, that it wanted privileges to built, convert and transplant the Christian conquest and impose them on all native cultures. If countries do not accede to these wishes,then the Popes will call upon their friends to make wars (or Crusades) in the name of their international messianic mission to conquer at will. The present arrangements with Opus Dei (coupled with the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta and Columbanus,however much they like it to be known that they are somehow apposite) are designed to undermine the secular authorities and to promote only Opus Dei vetted personnel. This is in perfect accord with American and Anglo-American and Hiberno-American foreign policy. What transpired between Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul 11 is in full continuity and expansion with Benedict XVI. In short, Mr. President , watch your back -- from within the Church and from without on the international scene. Even Castro had to look on when John Paul 11, through Banco Ambrosiana , and Ronald Reagan reduced the Russian continent to a whimpering and begging whore-house. I am sure they would love to 'apologise' for it,and then go on to do the same in Vietnam and now Afthanistan and , eventually, Venuzuela.

It must become apparent, that the best way to resist this weather-beaten tyrant is to oppose them fully, to make the people fully aware of what their role was in history ,and what they intend to do in the present and in the future. There are an infinite number of examples from old Ireland to modern East Timor, to demonstrate the treachery of these colonizers. What I suggest you need is some old world collonizers of your own to oppose them, people who know how they worked the Spanish Civil War, and how they supported Muzzolini and Hitler's Brown Shirts, Hitlerjugend and the ratlines that followed. Why should they have all the collonizers and propagandists -- all lined out under the Christian conquest!

History is what the RC Church most fears and hates. Even in East Timor it has made the case to get rid of the Portuguese -- as if they Portuguese got there without the Chruch's inspiration! They will, Mr. President, tell any lie -- no lie is small or big enough for them to tell -- to advance their universal take-over agenda. The RC Church , Mr. President, is the enemy!

They never appologised for the following betrayal of an innocent indigenous people -- a people who gave them endless land , a people who came to trust them, to care for them, and to allow them to build throughout the breadth and width of Ireland between the 5th and the 12th centuries. After Laudabiliter, it was too late. Laudabiliter rang the death knell on an ancient culture. Of course the Chruch denied what it had done -- not just once, but several times. It got its bishops (the traitors who were given 'palliums' and other baubles to keep them sweet!) to tell the people lies, to appoint dumb professors, calling them Christan historians and Christian professors, when all they were was traitors. Now everyone in Ireland speaks English, and there are less people speaking the native indigenous language, Gaelic, than there are those speaking English, Latin or Polish.

Mr. President the moral is simple.

Resist the enemies of the people and don't listen to the propaganda of some of the sickest people from the Vatican , whose billions proceed from a most unhealthy view of men, women and the world.


Seamus Breathnach

Adrian the bishop, the servant of the servants of God, to his most dear son in Christ, the noble king of England, sendeth greeting, and apostolic benediction:Your magnificence hath been very careful and studious how you might enlarge the church of God here on earth, and increase the number of his saints and elect in heaven; in that, as a good catholic king, you have and do, by all means, labour and travail to enlarge and increase God’s church, by teaching the ignorant people the true and Christian religion, and in abolishing and rooting up the weeds of sin and wickedness.

And wherein you have, and do crave, for your better furtherance, the help of the apostolic see, wherein more speedily and discreetly you proceed, the better success, we hope, god will send, for all they which of a fervent zeal and love in religion do begin and enterprise any such thing, shall, no doubt, in the end, have a good and prosperous success.

And as for Ireland, and all other islands, where Christ is known, and the Christian religion received, it is out of all doubt, and your Excellency well knoweth, they do all appertain and belong to the right of St. Peter, and of the church of Rome, and we are so much the more ready, desirous and willing to sow the acceptable seed of god’s word, because we know the same in the latter day will be most severely required at our hands (p.35) You have (our well-beloved son in Christ) advertised and signified unto us, that You will enter into the land and realm of Ireland; to the end to bring them to obedience unto law, and under your subjection, and to root out from among them their foul sins and wickedness; as also to yield and pay yearly out of every house, a yearly pension of one penny to St .Peter, and besides, also will defend and keep the rites of these churches whole and inviolate.

We therefore, well allowing and favouring this your godly disposition, and commendable affection, do accept, ratify and assent unto this your petition; and do grant, that you (for the dilating of God’s church, the punishment of sin, there forming of manners, planting of virtue, and the increasing of Christian religion)do enter to possess that land, and there to execute according to your wisdom,whatsoever shall be for the honour of god, and the safety of the realm.
And further, also, we do strictly charge and require, that all the people of that land do with all humbleness, dutifulness and honour, receive and accept you as their liege lord and sovereign, reserving and excepting the right of holy church to be inviolably preserved; as also the yearly pension of Peter-pence, out of every house; which we require to be truly answered to St. Peter and the Church of Rome.
If therefore you do mind to bring your godly purpose to effect, endeavour to travail to reform the people to some better order and trade of life, and that also by yourself, and by such others as you shall think meet, true and honest in their life,manners and conversation, to the end the church of god may be beautified, the true Christian religion sowed and planted, and all other things done, that by any means shall or may be to God’s honour, and salvation of men’s souls, whereby you may in the end receive of God’s hands the reward of everlasting life; and also, in the mean time, and in this life, carry a glorious fame, and an honourable report among all nations.

Extracted from
The History and Antiquities of the County of Carlow
John Ryan, Esq., M.R.S.L.
(Dublin 1833); Pages 35 and 36

Seamus Breathnach

12:48 PM



Timor Leste: Being poor with the poor

A Vietnamese Jesuit priest who works in Timor Leste says evangelisation is not a matter of teaching theology but living the joys and sufferings of a people plagued by poverty, sickness and illiteracy. Father Pierre Truong Van Phuc SJ, 38, spoke to UCA News, a Catholic Asian news agency, about his mission in Timor Leste (East Timor) when he returned for a July-August home visit to Ho Chi Minh City in South Vietnam.

Father Phuc said that after reaching Dili in May 2006, he spent a month caring for people made homeless by widespread riots and clashes between armed street gangs. He then became head of a mission in Audian village in Covalima district, bordering Indonesia, 180 kilometres by road southwest of Dili. He, together with another Vietnamese Jesuit and two mission confreres from East Timor and Paraguay share the corn, rice and vegetables they grow on their farm with poor local people.

Jesuits provide pastoral care for nine of 37 churches in the district, where there is no telephone service, let alone Internet, and electricity is available only six hours a day. The Jesuits went to East Timor in 1999, when it was still part of Indonesia, to help "local refugees," Father Phuc said. But massive violence erupted after the people voted overwhelmingly for independence that year.

Read the full interview with Fr Phuc and see related pictures here: (Source: Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN)

Full Interview: It is worth posting this to show how different the Jesuits are from the Opus Dei who live in their multimillion dollar "houses" and do not and cannot by their nature "share with the poor".

AS03463.1465 October 3, 2007

ASIA UCAN Interview - Evangelization Means Friendship, Sharing With The Poor

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (UCAN) -- A Vietnamese Jesuit priest who works in Timor Leste says evangelization is not teaching theology but living the joys and sufferings of a people plagued by poverty, sickness and illiteracy.

Father Pierre Truong Van Phuc, 38, spoke with UCA News about his mission in Timor Leste (Portuguese for East Timor) when he returned for a July-August home visit to Ho Chi Minh City, southern Vietnam.

Father Phuc said that after reaching Dili in May 2006, he spent a month caring for people made homeless by widespread riots and clashes between armed street gangs. He then became head of a mission in Audian village in Covalima district, bordering Indonesia, 180 kilometers by road southwest of Dili.

He, another Vietnamese Jesuit and two mission confreres from East Timor and Paraguay share the corn, rice and vegetables they grow on their farm with poor local people.

Jesuits provide pastoral care for nine of 37 churches in the district, where there is no telephone service, let alone Internet, and electricity is available only six hours a day.

The Jesuits went to East Timor in 1999, when it was still part of Indonesia, to help "local refugees," Father Phuc said. But massive violence erupted after the people voted overwhelmingly for independence that year. Indonesian and pro-Indonesian forces also committed violence during the occupation of Timor Leste, a former Portuguese colony.

Timor Leste officially entered the community of nations in May 2002, after more than two years under a transitional United Nations administration.

Members of the three Jesuit communities now in the country are involved in education, pastoral care and social communications. Some serve as spiritual directors for seminarians.

The interview with Father Phuc follows:

UCA NEWS: What motivates your service in East Timor?

FATHER PIERRE TRUONG VAN PHUC: I was sent to East Timor to continue pastoral work other Jesuits started and to help people return to a normal life after the war. We Jesuits help people with difficulties and challenges.

I want to be a friend of the poor and marginalized there, so that I can bring Christian joy, hope and love, because they are Jesus' friends.

My experience is that if I want to serve others, I must treat them as my relatives. Once during this visit in Ho Chi Minh City, I carried an elderly woman injured in a traffic accident on my back to a hospital. My clothes were full of her blood and bits of flesh. Then I remembered people in East Timor.

We cannot take care of everyone in Covalima district, but we want to help them be self-confident enough to continue to survive. After a long time living in refugee camps, the East Timor people have lost almost everything and have to begin life all over again. I look back at my priestly vow, to be happy with happy people and cry with crying people, and it is very true and close to me.

What problems have you faced?

When I first went to remote Audian village to help people improve their life and farming, they were suspicious. They told each other: "This priest is light skinned. Why does he work as a farmer?" Local government authorities also caused me some difficulty. They said they never saw a priest treating local people in a friendly way and living a poor life like them.

Some people asked if communists [in Vietnam] taught me those skills. I told them that living in a communist environment taught me how to do such things to survive. [Smiling] I am happy to share and work with poverty-stricken people in the district because I also suffered from famine, poverty and challenges in Vietnam during the first few years after 1975 [when North and South Vietnam was reunified under communist rule].

Thank God for my ability to learn a language quickly. I didn't struggle to learn Tetum, the mother tongue of the local people. I taught myself from an English-Tetum guidebook. I read it in a week, and then visited and practiced talking with them. I could celebrate Mass in their language three weeks later.

How are your working and living conditions?

We live in severe weather conditions. In the six-month dry season, people can grow nothing because temperatures are in the 40s [Celsius] during the day, and 36-37 degrees at night. Trees do not grow and the land cracks. It is so hot that many people must stay under trees to escape the heat.

Local people live in grass shacks roofed with tin or palm leaves. Most are farmers who grow rice, corn and cassava, but productivity is low due to their primitive farming methods. If they have good crops, they lack food for only three months. Otherwise, they lack food for six months. They also raise chickens, dogs [for security, hunting and meat] and goats.

They are illiterate and do not get proper medical care. They have no jobs and always live in fear of war. They are emaciated and look older than they are because they work hard and suffer famine. Their life expectancy is only about 40 years. Their living standard on average is US$0.50 per person a day.

Covalima district's only hospital is short on medical equipment. Most people live in remote villages and cannot go to it, but when they must go to the hospital, they carry the patient in a hammock tens of kilometers.

I have taken dying patients there in my small truck, and several died on the way because of their poor health and bad roads. Their common diseases include malaria, cancer, malnutrition, diarrhea and postnatal complications.

What about cultural factors?

Their customary marriage and funeral rites lead to a life of poverty. Dead people are buried only after all relatives give chickens, pigs, rice and other food for neighbors to feast on. Some corpses rot before burial because the bereaved fear those who are not offered food will curse them.

Under their matriarchal system, the bride's family usually demands a wedding gift of 10 cows (worth US$300 each) from the groom's family, to have a party for all villagers. Poor men have to borrow cows for marriage. If they cannot pay their debt, their children must pay.

Women get married around the age of 15-16 years, and men between 15 and 18.

Many poor couples leave the village and do not return until they have children, to avoid giving a marriage party for villagers.

I recently celebrated a marriage for a 41-year-old and his wife in church. They have seven children. I offered them two wedding rings and a 10-kilogram pig so they could entertain their guests.

How do you live closely to them?

Evangelization does not mean explaining theology to people. That just keeps them away from us. I share their joys and sorrows in their daily life.

Journeying with poor people means working with them and living a poor life as they do. When I share their poverty, I feel very close to them.

I always remind myself to live in poverty as they do. They eat corn, cassava leaves with salt and anything they get from forest, and I do the same.

In the dry season, people lack enough water for their daily activities. I also try to make do with as little washing as they do.

We set up a group of youngsters who quietly bring food to hungry people in the evening. Many do not want others to know about their plight. I often inform people of crops on our farm, so they can come and take some for their family. Some do come to ask us for food or to have meals at our home.

I drive a small truck carrying goods and food for local people, and I work with them to build leaf houses for themselves.

When I go to monthly meetings with other Jesuits in Dili, I carry milk from local traders to the capital, and they return the favor by giving me some milk. I give the milk to children suffering from malnutrition, women who have babies and elderly people.

What else have you done for the people?

Most villagers in Sukebi Mesak, six kilometers from our mission house, are illiterate because they are poor and schools are distant. Instead of sending their children to school, I bring the school to them. I built a leaf hut in the village and invited teachers to teach children how to write and read.

They learn what teachers teach them, without books. My aim is to reduce their illiteracy because it takes them a long time to go to school.

In other villages far from schools, children do not go to school because they cannot wade across rivers where many crocodiles live. Crocodiles eat many people and cattle, but villagers see them as gods.

Many children leave school because they live far from schools, so we will give them accommodations near their schools.

We also established a vocational center to teach sewing, carpentry and farming skills to young people, and we give them sewing machines and tools after their studies. We also offer them fishing nets and dig wells for them.

We will build a new village for people living near marshes, where they suffer from malaria and diarrhea epidemics. The new village is near our mission, so we can care for them.


EAST TIMOR ET02302.1442 April 26, 2007 41 EM-lines (481 words)

Vietnamese Missioners Live Rough To Bring Education To Villagers

SUAI LORO, East Timor (UCAN) -- When the first two Vietnamese Jesuits came to the remote village, they could cover their heads only by roofing their tiny shack with tall grass they hacked down with machetes.

It was May 2003, the rainy season, when Father Joseph Nguyen Thanh Phuong, and Brother Thaddeus Dung Tha first set foot in Audian village, in the southwestern part of Timor Leste (East Timor).

"I built a small hut made with coarse grass," Father Phuong, 48, told UCA News on April 4. "There was no place else to stay, and no church or chapel." Local people live in grass shacks roofed with tin or palm leaves, he added, and most are farmers who grow rice and corn and raise chickens and goats.

In 2006, Father Peter Truong Van Phuc traversed the dirt roads to join the two pioneers of the Vietnamese Jesuit mission in Covalima district, 120 kilometers southwest of Dili. Like them, Father Phuc struggled to learn Tetum, the mother tongue of the local people.

According to the national census in 2004, Covalima had 53,063 residents, of whom about 32,000 were identified as Catholics and the rest mostly animists.

The village indirectly gained the attention of Church people in Vietnam, through people fleeing to Indonesia during the violence following the 1999 referendum that produced a strong vote for independence from Indonesia.

Once Timor Leste emerged as an independent nation in May 2002, they returned. That same year, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) came to the area to help the returnees, and schooling was identified as a priority need. Vietnamese Jesuits took over from JRS in 2003 and their priority has been non-formal education.

The Ministry of Education says 60 percent of East Timor's 1 million people are illiterate. Many schools that existed in 1999 were damaged in the violence, and the materials to rebuild them and teachers to staff them are lacking.

Father Phuc told UCA News that Laen Tolu villagers do not send their children to school because the youngsters would have to walk more than 10 kilometers each way. "So we are building a 'non-formal' school for that community, to learn how to read and write," he said. Villagers are helping to build the school, and the missioners are seeking volunteers to staff it.

Vitor Casa, 35, animator of Catholic groups in Laen Tolu, told UCA News, "We are grateful for the Vietnamese missioners' efforts to build the school for us and our children. We have never studied in a school before."

Frenky de Jesus, a 42-year-old villager voiced that same sentiment by describing the upcoming school as the answer to their long time prayers.

Besides the non-formal education project, the three missioners grow corn on a 2.5-hectare plot and share their harvest with poor families and orphans. "To help the poor," Father Phuc explained, "I must work as a farmer as they do."


God bless the Jesuits and protect them from the Octopus Dei!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Benedict XVI the FAULTY Conscience of our age

A picture speaks a thousand words.

These images show what "the FAULTY conscience of our age" Benedict XVI truly is.

Watch the BBC Google video on how Benedict XVI led the cover-up of gay priests pedophiles.

Then as Cardinal Ratizinger, he slaps a journalist's hand when questioned
about cover up of sex scandal by Vatican

(Image --

His ostentatious couturier-costumes as "vicar" -- of the "poor" Christ. When did Christ -- wear red shoes and don on golden albs and resided in an $87 billion Opus Dei-owned Vatican Temple -- in Nazareth? Hello!
(Read more:

Did Christ have a handsome gay Private Secretary - like Benedict's young handsome German Georg?

How can someone who did not give a hoot to the 12,000 American children-victims of the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army be suddenly "THE conscience of our age"? See -


Comments by a crime investigator:

Anyone who claims to know what is better for you than you do yourself may be a tyrant or simply an overzealous friend. In either event, he cannot know better for you than you do. When someone tells you that there is another world, you may have reason to speculate upon his sanity; but when he says that you cannot enter this other world without his aid, then it is time to worry. You are most assuredly in the presence of a head-case. Unfortunately, when such a person persuades millions of weak-minded others that he is the only one who can rescue them, it is time to search for a desert island which is democratic. By democratic is meant that nobody is so arrogant as to assert either infallibility or that they know for others what is good for them better than individuals know for themselves. In this democracy, each man may have a vote. But that's enough. All should fear anyone who claims more. It is infinitely preferable if no popes , priests, soothsayers, fortune-tellers or holy or messianic or religious others could refrain from entering on such an island.

Seamus Breathnach

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei media spin

So Benedict (and Opus Dei behind the scenes) are now manipulating priests and writers like Father Vincent Twomey to prop him up as THE conscience of our age and mislead us to overlook - and forget - his hidden crime of covering up priest-pedophilia for over a quarter of a century together with the Opus Dei.


Benedict XVI is the perfect clone of John Paul II, Master of Deceit

All these words praising Benedict XVI are hogwash to the 12,000 American victims of the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

Benedict XVI is the Responsible Leader of Priest Pedophilia - together with John Paul II -- see for details about John Paul II.

At 80 years of age, Benedict still doesn't get it - and he'll die not getting it - that he and John Paul II both "led" (therefore "caused") one of the greatest sins in the Catholic Church -- the heinous Culture of Priest Pedophilia for over a quarter of a century - with approximately 12,000 victims in USA alone.

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 5,148 priests - John Paul II and Benedict XVI and Opus Dei


The new book of deception in the 21st century:

The words of this author praising Benedict XVI are clone-words of the snake at the Garden of Eden: "And ye shall be as gods"! Following the snake, Benedict XVI now claim himself to be the god and infallible conscience of our age! Baloney! Hogwash!

And lest we forget that is owned and operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder is Fr. Marcel Maciel, the infamous pedophile of his own seminarians and 100 alleged victims - see:



The Conscience of Our Age
Interview With Father Vincent Twomey

MAYNOOTH, Ireland, JUNE 25, 2007 ( The modern conception of conscience reduces it to an excuse mechanism, that it cannot err and that what one thinks is right is in fact right, said author Father Vincent Twomey.

Father Twomey, retired professor of moral theology at the Pontifical University of St. Patrick's College, in Maynooth, is the author of "Pope Benedict XVI: The Conscience of Our Age," published this year by Ignatius Press.

In this interview with ZENIT, he comments on the Holy Father's role in providing a way to return to a deeper understanding of conscience.

Q: You were a doctoral student of Father Joseph Ratzinger. How has that experience uniquely prepared you to write this book?

Father Twomey: I joined professor Ratzinger's doctoral colloquium in the spring of 1971, and studied under his supervision for the doctorate, which I was awarded in 1979.

Since his election as archbishop of Munich in 1977, he has met with his former doctoral and postdoctoral students each year for a weekend colloquium, a practice that continued even after his election as Benedict XVI.

I think that, as a result, I have a personal knowledge of the Pope that is, perhaps, unique.
Sitting at his feet as a student, studying his writings, and participating in discussions with him over some 36 years has also given me a certain insight into his thought, which in turn has influenced my own theology profoundly.

Q: What do you think are the most defining characteristics of the writings of Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI?

Father Twomey: The most defining formal characteristics of his writings are originality, clarity and a superb literary style that is not easy to render in translation.

Ratzinger is more than a world-class scholar and academic: He is an original thinker.

He has the Midas touch, in the positive sense that whatever he touches, he turns to gold, in other words, whatever subject he examines, he has something new and exciting to say about it, be it the dogmas of the Church or a mosaic in an ancient Roman church or bioethics. And he writes with amazing clarity.

With regard to his style, Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne is reported as commenting that Ratzinger is the Mozart of theology -- he writes masterpieces effortlessly.

With regard to its content, as Ratzinger once said himself, "God is the real central theme of my endeavors."

There is hardly an area of theology -- dogma, moral, political life, bioethics, liturgy, exegesis, music, art -- that he has not examined in-depth. And everything he examines, he does so from God's viewpoint, as it were, namely trying to discover what light revelation -- Scripture and Tradition -- can shine on a particular issue.

On the other hand, his theological reflection is firmly rooted in contemporary experience: the questions and existential issues posed by modernity and post-modernity, by contemporary thinkers and the epoch-making events of our times.

However, his pastoral and administrative duties as archbishop and prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith were such that he had little time to write extensive monographs, with the result that most of his writings are of a fragmentary nature. But what fragments!

Each has the capacity to convey that insight into truth that touches the mind and heart of the reader -- and can effect in many a change of heart.

Q: You describe Benedict XVI as unafraid of making mistakes, and as "having the courage to be imperfect." Can you explain this further?

Father Twomey: Having the courage to be imperfect is more than being afraid of making mistakes, though it may include it.

Basic to his whole attitude to life and to theology is the assumption that only God is perfect, that human effort is always imperfect.

Perfectionism of any kind is inimical to man, but above all in the political sphere. Most political ideologies aim to create a perfect world, a perfect society and usually end up making hell on earth.

That is a frequent theme of his writings on political life. But also with regard to the human effort to do theology, as it were. That, too, will always be unfinished business, always capable of improvement, of correction and deepening.

We cannot know everything, least of all God and his design for man. I have described his writings as "fragmentary." Most of his writings are unfinished -- like his classic book, "Introduction to Christianity," and, more recently, his "Jesus of Nazareth." And yet he has the courage to publish them in their unfinished state.

This attitude gave Joseph Ratzinger that inner calm and detachment which the world is now experiencing in Benedict XVI. But it also is, perhaps, the secret of his gentle humor and wit.

Q: You suggest that there has been a distortion of the word conscience. What is this distortion and how has it affected the Church?

Father Twomey: The starting point is the traditional notion of an erroneous conscience, which in the wake of the turbulence that followed "Humanae Vitae," was falsely interpreted to mean, in effect for many, that it does not matter what one does, provided that one is sincerely convinced that it is right.

Sincerity now becomes the criterion of morality and, taken to its logical conclusion, it would be impossible to condemn a Hitler or a Stalin, since it could be claimed that they too acted according to their "lights," according to their sincere convictions.

The traditional insistence on the primacy of following your conscience, even if erroneous, led to a new notion, that of the "infallible conscience." This amounts to the claim that conscience cannot err, that what you think is right is in fact right.

This is to reduce conscience to an excuse mechanism. This notion receives its persuasiveness, if not its inspiration, from the prevailing relativism of modernity.

It is sometimes claimed today that each one can adopt whatever moral principles he or she decides best for them. These are the fruit of their conscientious choice, after having looked at the options.

This is indeed a very attractive theory. But it amounts to the claim that each person can determine for himself what is right or wrong, the temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden.

Often, it is given the title "a la carte" Catholicism, picking and choosing what suits us. Morality is reduced to an ultimately irrational personal preference.

This prevailing notion of conscience has had a devastating effect on the Church and Christian living.

Q: You describe Benedict XVI as a guide for the conscience in today's age. In what ways do you believe this to be true?

Father Twomey: First of all, as theologian and later as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ratzinger has been the voice of the Church's conscience in affirming the objective truth when it was denied either theoretically or in practice.

It is astonishing that secular thinkers, those outside the Church, as it were, seem to recognize this more than those inside. Thus, for example, the French Academy honored him as the apt successor to Andrey Sacharov, the dissident atom physicist during the tyranny of the Soviet Union.

It was their recognition of a courageous thinker who was in effect the great "dissident" under the "dictatorship of relativism" that has swamped Europe and America over the past half-century.

Secondly, conscience is not only a central theme of his writings, he has also made a major contribution to correcting the false understanding of conscience outlined above, to which I devote a whole chapter in my book.

Q: How did the experience of growing up in Nazi Germany helped to prepare Joseph Ratzinger for the papacy? What particular lessons did he learn then that he still puts into practice today?

Father Twomey: The answer to this question is to be found in a comment he made in an interview in 1999: "As a result [of living through the Nazi period], I learned to have a certain reserve with regard to the reigning ideologies."

Evidently, he meant "ideologies" also to cover those found within the Church, which are fashionable since they reflect current ideological trends in society.

His experience of living under a political ideology and its bureaucracy made him sensitive to the need for the exercise of moral responsibility on the part of each one, but in particular on the part of those who hold public office in the Church or in the state. Moral responsibility is but another word for conscience.

His skepticism regarding episcopal conferences is rooted in the experience of how, as a collective, the German bishops, to put it mildly, had not quite matched up to the witness given by individual bishops such as Bishop Clemens von Galen of Muenster and Archbishop Michael Faulhaber of Munich.

He calls on all bishops to give personal witness and not wait for the collective conference to rubber-stamp some document prepared by an anonymous commission.

Likewise, his theology has been marked by a personal search for the truth, urged on by his conscience. All his life, he has exercised his personal moral responsibility, even when it earned for him the negative title of "rottweiler" or "grand inquisitor" -- or, indeed, "the enemy of humanity," as one journalist put it.

To speak the truth in love is to be in opposition, very often, to the prevailing fashions and so to make oneself unpopular.

Now, as Benedict XVI, he continues to exercise that moral responsibility, not least in the way he writes most of his own speeches, which speak to the heart of his audience because they are spoken from his own heart and not from a prepared schema.


This latest book on Benedict XVI is pure HOGWASH to the 12,000 American victims of the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

Benedict XVI is the FAULTY conscience of our age because he is in the rank of Hitler who ordered the Jewish Holocaust -- as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger he was the Co-Responsible Leader of Priest Pedophilia in the pedophiliac-holocaust of thousands of American Catholic boys and girls -- together with John Paul II -- see for details about John Paul II.


Schwarzenegger more trustworthy than the pope

Austrian-born California "Gubernator" Arnold Schwarzenegger inspires more trust among Austrians than Pope Benedict XVI, a survey presented on Friday said.

Five hundred Austrians were interviewed about whether they "trusted, distrusted or did not know" international personalities and the answers were combined to generate a "trust index."

The pope's index on the trust study compiled by the Austrian press agency and the polling institute OGM was 33, Schwarzenegger's 34. Both were beaten hands down by the Dalai Lama, who leads the ranking with an index of 49, followed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel (35).

The Tibetan spiritual leader's position comes as no surprise to OGM head Wolfgang Bachmayer, who said: "The Dalai Lama is regarded as a cheerful promoter of peace."

Schwarzenegger, Austria's only world-famous celebrity, inspires less criticism than the head of the Catholic Church, Bachmayer said.

Still barely in the positive range were Microsoft founder Bill Gates (14) and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (11). European Comission President Jose Manuel Barroso inspires more distrust than trust (-7).

The negative end of the scale is shared by two other world leaders: Russian President Vladimir Putin (-60) and his counterpart in the United States George W Bush (-78).

Watch "Sex Crimes and the Vatican" - 39 minutes

Watch "The Vatican's Banker" - 55 minutes

Watch Phil Saviano interview on Fr. David Holley, Catholic clergy abuse case sentenced to more than 200 years of jail!

Watch Boston Clergy Abuse Scandal - Geoghan Documents Released

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei in Mathew 23

Mathew 23 describes Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei picture perfectly. The Notification by Benedict and the Silencing by the Opus Dei on Jon Sobrino -- are like the scribes' treatment on the prophets.

The ones in bold emphases refer to Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei.

Chapter 23
1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples,
2 saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses.
Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice.
They tie up heavy burdens (hard to carry) and lay them on people's shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.
4 All their works are performed to be seen. They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.
5 They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues,
greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation 'Rabbi.' (The latest book called "Benedict XVI: the Conscience of our age")
6 As for you, do not be called 'Rabbi.' You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers.
Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven.
Do not be called 'Master'; you have but one master, the Messiah.

The greatest among you must be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
7 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You lock the kingdom of heaven 8 before human beings. You do not enter yourselves, nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter.
) 9
10 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You traverse sea and land to make one convert, and when that happens you make him a child of Gehenna twice as much as yourselves.
11 "Woe to you, blind guides, who say, 'If one swears by the temple, it means nothing, but if one swears by the gold of the temple, one is obligated.'
Blind fools, which is greater, the gold, or the temple that made the gold sacred?
And you say, 'If one swears by the altar, it means nothing, but if one swears by the gift on the altar, one is obligated.'
You blind ones, which is greater, the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
One who swears by the altar swears by it and all that is upon it;
one who swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it;
one who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who is seated on it.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You pay tithes 12 of mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and fidelity. (But) these you should have done, without neglecting the others.
13 Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!
14 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence.

Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean.
15 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and every kind of filth.
Even so, on the outside you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing.
16 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the memorials of the righteous,
and you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have joined them in shedding the prophets' blood.'

Thus you bear witness against yourselves that you are the children of those who murdered the prophets;

now fill up what your ancestors measured out!
You serpents, you brood of vipers, how can you flee from the judgment of Gehenna?
18 Therefore, behold, I send to you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and pursue from town to town, (like Jon Sobrino)
so that there may come upon you all the righteous blood shed upon earth, from the righteous blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
Amen, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
19 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets (Jon Sobrino, Leonardo Boff, et al) and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you were unwilling!
Behold, your house will be abandoned, desolate. (The Opus Dei-Vatican shall crumble like the Temple of Solomon)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino

Did Christ speak Latin?

So how can the Vicar of Christ make Latin the "official language" of the Mystical Body of Christ?

When did Christ ever wear red expensive shoes, don on ornate ceremonial albs, be surrounded and protected by a private army, be a political head of state, write Ph.D books no one can understand except himself and by a few men, oppress those who work with and for the poor like Jon Sobrino? If Christ were to visit Rome today, what would he say about the worse sins of pedophile priests seething beneath the Vatican archives (Crimen Sollicitationis) which are worse than the sins at the Temple of Solomon?

Would he recognize the Peter-the-Rock clones residing at the grand palace of the Vatican rivaling the palace of the Ceasars of Rome? Christ would gag at his ostentious "Vicar of Christ" when they meet for the first time, they'd be like the Prince and the Pauper, the Pope being (and dressed as) the Prince!

Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and he would do like what he did when he got very angry with the marketeers at the Temple and turned the tables upside down because they have "made God's temple a den of thieves" . But this time the Temple of the Vatican has become the Opus Dei (Ambrosiano Bank)den ... worst of all now the Vatican has become a "den of High Priests-pedophiles"! So Christ would repeat the curse of the Temple of Solomon that "not one stone will be left standing" about the Temple of the Vatican now owned and operated by the Octopus Dei.

We follow-up on the autocracy of Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei Archbishop of El Salvador and their Galileo-style persecution on Jon Sobrino

International theologians views on the Notification
Free e-book 316 pages

Video clip of Jon Sobrino in PBS discussing Salvadoran war

The Cross of Liberation Theology

"Poor Suffering Christ"

The papal cross of Benedict XVI
"Wealthy Sweet Jesus"

Interview with Jon Sobrino

When Jesus Ate with the Poorest
author: Jon Sobrino

"There is more poverty today than in the eighties and nineties. This is a gift of the privatization of democracy. Poverty has increased in all Latin America.. The world lives with a great sin. The needy and oppressed die slowly and violently. Believing in God means being in solidarity with them.. Whenever someone exposes the hypocritical conduct of the powerful, he is insulted, defamed and sometimes killed.."

The Jesuit Jon Sobrino on an historical law that existed long before the theology of liberation and Karl Marx

[This interview originally published in: "Freitag", a Berlin weekly, on May 23, 2003 is translated from the German on the World Wide Web, Jon Sobrino, one of El Salvador's best-known liberation theologians, survived the massacre in November 1989 because he was abroad.]

Many things suggest that liberation theology no longer enjoys the same rank in Central America today as ten or fifteen years ago because it is helpless toward the real living conditions of the poor. Is that your impression?

Jon Sobrino: Firstly, liberation theology touches the reality of this world more directly than any other theology of our days. For liberation theology, reality always rules. The six Jesuit fathers at my university were not murdered by accident. The self-image of liberation theology is not put in question but its present-day observance.

Liberation theology is certainly not surrounded by the same worldly brilliance as in earlier years. Most students in El Salvador are hardly still interested. We experience a globalization of disinterest. We witness the globalization of the conviction that money is most important in life, not a mission or commitment. In the meantime, there are few books about this theology, few open bishops and few base communities. Still I believe the teaching of Leonardo Boff or Gustavo Gutierrez is still present in the collective consciousness of Christians. Why else would so many people be searching?

Have living conditions changed so much in El Salvador after the civil war that the social mission of liberation theology could be exhausted?

Jon Sobrino: On the contrary, there is more poverty today than in the eighties and nineties. That is a gift of the privatization of democracy. Poverty has increased in all Latin America. Chile and Uruguay are the only exceptions. It is cynical to speculate what could be left of liberation theology without asking why more people live in poverty.

What remains of the founding intention of your religious doctrine?

Jon Sobrino: What the disciples of our movement have said from the beginning. The world lives with a great sin. The needy and oppressed die slowly and violently. Believing in God means being in solidarity with them... In this connection, liberation theology has often been reproached for being a carrier of Marxist theory. Liberation theologians, the prophets and the archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Arnulfo Romero murdered in 1980 have all said: The accumulation of riches is a horrible scandal! This is true - with or without Marx.

The Vatican has constantly urged that liberation theologians argue offensively and critically with Marx.

Jon Sobrino: Certainly, but firstly Marx was an important theoretician. Secondly, there was always a very specific definition of Marxism in El Salvador. Marxism is what may not be, what is simply evil. When Jesus ate with the poorest, they called him a drunkard. When he made friends with sinners and prostitutes, he was despised and scorned. Whenever someone exposes the hypocritical conduct of the powerful, he is insulted, defamed and sometimes killed. That is an historical law that has existed long before liberation theology and before Karl Marx.

Reflections on the Sobrino Notification

by Michael O'Sullivan SJ
March 28, 2007

Michael O’Sullivan has taught liberation theology at third level and with community groups for over 20 years and has lived and worked with the economically poor in El Salvador and elsewhere for almost as many years. He was the co-organiser and the chairperson of the first conference in Ireland on Liberation theology in 1976, and the editor of the conference proceedings entitled The Liberation of Theology: Theology of Liberation and the Irish Context (Dublin: Student Christian Movement, 1978).


The Latin American Catholic bishops met for only the second time at Medellín, Colombia, in 1968. (1) They met, three years after the end of Vatican II, to reflect on “the Church in the present-day transformation of Latin America in the Light of the Council.” They knew 80% of the people in the continent were living in dire straits of economic poverty while unrest concerning the cry of the poor was growing. They were also aware of the Conciliar teaching calling on Christians to read the historical signs of the times (GS 4) (2) and to be in solidarity with “the joy and hope, the grief and anxiety of the people of this time in history, especially those who are poor” (GS 1).

In the light of such teaching they urged the Latin American Christian community, which numbered 90% of the population, to make a preferential option for the poor. They conceived this option in terms of a commitment to the liberation of the poor from their poverty, and derived their meaning for liberation from the doctrines of sin and salvation. For example, they said, “In the fullness of time, (God) sends his (sic) Son in the flesh, so that he might come to liberate men (sic) from the slavery to which sin has subjected them: hunger, misery, oppression, and ignorance (MC, n. 3); (3) “it (the current situation) appears to be a time full of zeal for…liberation from every form of servitude (MC, n. 4)…As Christians we believe this historical stage of Latin America is intimately linked to the history of salvation” (MC, p. 19). Consequently, pledged the bishops, “by its own vocation Latin America will undertake its liberation at the cost of whatever sacrifice” (MC, p. 23).

With the assassination of Rutilio Grande in March 1977, and of Ignacio Ellacuria and companions in November 1989, the Jesuits in El Salvador learned just how great a sacrifice such a vocation could bring. They learned this also from their bonds of solidarity with the poor who were being slaughtered on a shocking scale. Jon Sobrino would have been killed with his community in 1989 had he not been out of the country at that time. Having avoided assassination he now finds himself at 68 years of age in poor health, and confronted with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) negative judgement on aspects of his theology, which he developed from a deeply held and contextualised faith in Jesus Christ. Having lived in community with him in El Salvador, having accompanied him in some of his ministry among basic Christian communities, having an awareness of how much he has strengthened and developed the faith of numerous people, some among the most economically poor on the earth, and having read some of his writings, I am of the view that he may well be a saint.

It is not possible in the space available to me to comment in detail on the charges made against Sobrino by the recent Notification, or to do so in a way that might construe the document in a better light. And so I will confine myself to a few points. Firstly, Liberation theology, of which Sobrino is a leading exponent, is the only theology to my knowledge that has brought the embodied and historical concreteness of the poverty of the great majority of the world’s people to the very heart of its endeavour. This makes it a frightening theology for those who are not subjected daily to such poverty. Unlike Jon, they have not chosen to live and work in solidarity with people unable to avoid such poverty, or, like him, suffered the loss of loved ones who were assassinated because they took seriously what the bishops said at Medellín.

Secondly, the CDF Notification accuses Sobrino, among other things, of not doing justice to the divinity of Jesus. Since doing justice to the mystery of Jesus Christ in language and concept is a complex task, misunderstandings can easily arise. However, a surprising feature of the Notification is that it seems in places to go against some very reputable scholarship published in the last forty years and more. (4) This may help to explain Sobrino’s view that the CDF, according to information sent to me by friends of his in El Salvador, has misrepresented him. Like other liberation theologians, Jon has cherished the long standing belief in the tradition that Jesus was “like us in all respects but sin” (Heb 2:17) (5) which indicates that Jesus also “grew in wisdom” (Lk 2:40). It was not felt necessary in the past to add that Jesus was also unlike us because of his divinity. But this is what the Notification would appear now to require. However, a danger with its present position is that it could underemphasise faith in the real humanity of Jesus, which could, in turn, undermine faith in the doctrine of salvation since for centuries Christians have been guided by Gregory of Nazianzus’ belief that “what is not assumed (taken on) is not redeemed”. (6)

Sobrino’s emphasis on the humanity of Jesus is partly influenced by his desire to overcome heretical tendencies concerning the Incarnation. He is concerned that we believe Jesus really was incarnate. If Jesus had a real humanity, and “did not cling to his equality with God” (Phil 2:6), then he was not impervious to his own, and other people’s, suffering having a real effect on him. This makes the love he exercised on behalf of our salvation all the more astonishing since if his love came from his divinity but only appeared to pass through suffering in his humanity it would be much less impressive and do an injustice to the transcendence love sourced in our humanity requires of us. But for Sobrino, and the other liberation theologians, the Incarnation is not just about Jesus becoming human. What makes it truly extraordinary, in their view, is that Jesus became human “from below,” to use Gustavo Gutierrez’s phrase, in the sense that be became human from a position of low social standing, and was “the human and ordinary God,” to use the phrase of Carlos Mejía Godoy, the Nicaraguan composer.

This emphasis on the manner, and not simply the fact, of Jesus’ humanity is part of an overall emphasis by liberation theologians like Sobrino on the historical praxis (7) of liberation of Jesus. It enables them to highlight the soteriological value of the whole lived form of the Incarnation. It is in virtue of the reality of Jesus living a human and ordinary life precisely and carrying out the work of our salvation from the side of the poor, whatever the cost, that he reveals the divine quality of God’s love and draws us to believe in his own divinity: It takes God to love like that and it takes God with us in the form of God’s power at work in and among us for us to do something similar. The resurrection of Jesus verifies such faith, for liberation theologians, by vindicating the historical person and project of Jesus; so that for us to believe in his resurrection without living a life patterned on his at the level of contemporary knowledge and need would be a contradiction. At this point resurrection faith drives the liberation project and helps to explain the courage of countless Christians in Latin America. The really challenging question posed by Sobrino and other liberation theologians, therefore, is this: Are we willing to learn from God through this Jesus what salvation means and to act accordingly?

I have written this piece on the anniversary of Archbishop Oscar Romero’s assassination (March 24th – he and Sobrino were good friends; Jon was often his advisor). Outside my office, in the grounds of Milltown, rows of lit candles frame the plaque of Oscar inviting people to remember him and pray for the people of El Salvador. As I stood at this plaque today and that of Sobrino’s martyred community which faces it, (8) I wondered, when will the Vatican issue a statement about the writings of theologians who fail to take the situation of the economically poor seriously enough, and when will it issue a statement expressing gratitude to all those who have lived out their vocation for the liberation of the poor at a cost of considerable sacrifice.


1. The first meeting was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1955. The President of the Conference of Bishops at the time was Manuel Larrain of Chile, who was a great friend of St. Alberto Hurtado and gave the homily at his funeral Mass in 1952. The Executive Secretary was Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil.

2. GS = Gaudium et spes (1965).

3. MC = Medellín Conclusions.

4. For example, read what the Vatican Notification has to say about the divinity of Jesus and the knowledge of Jesus in conjunction with Peter Schineller’s “The Newer Approaches to Christology and Their Use in the Spiritual Exercises,” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 12/4-5 (1980).

5. It should also be said, however, that this received formulation is not free of androcentric bias.

6.Gregory of Nazianzus, “Epistle 101,” Christology of the Later Fathers. Vol. 3, ed. Edward R. Hardy (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1954), 215-224 at 218. This formulation, too, is not free of androcentric bias.

7. Praxis means to think and theorise in and in relation to a situation for the sake of transforming it.

8. A memorial to the martyred Jesuits, to the woman and her daughter who had come to the residence a few days earlier because their home had been damaged by gunfire only to be murdered with the Jesuits so as to leave no witnesses, and to Oscar Romero, was erected on the grounds of Milltown Institute in 1991/92. One of the slain Jesuits had studied theology at Milltown and another had done a year of his training in Dublin. Also, some staff and students at Milltown had been prominent over the years in public shows of discontent against U.S. foreign policy in Latin America, and there was a desire on the part of the Institute to be associated with the spirit of the Christian faith that does justice characteristic of the Jesuit University of San Salvador


The International Theological Commission

EATWOT, Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians
(ASETT, Asociación Ecuménica de Teólogos/as del Tercer Mundo)


Prologue, Getting the Poor Down From the Cross, Leonardo BOFF . 11
Introduction, José María VIGIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Questions to the CDF Regarding Jon Sobrino’s Notification.
Tissa BALASURIYA, Colombo, Sri Lanka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Jesus de Nazaré, Orixá da Compaixão.
Marcelo BARROS, Goiâs, Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

A Christology Based on the Nazarene.
Leonardo BOFF, Petrópolis, Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

The Commitment to Taking the Poor Down from the Cross.
Vera Ivanise BOMBONATTO, São Paulo, Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

The Primacy of the Poor in the Miission of Jesus and the Church.
Teófilo CABESTRERO, Guatemala, Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Jesus, the Poor and Theology.
Oscar CAMPANA, Buenos Aires, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

The Poor, the Church and Theology.
Víctor CODINA, Santa Cruz, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Reflections on the Notification Sent to Jon Sobrino.
José COMBLIN, João Pessoa, Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Christology and Spirituality that Nourishes Us.
CONFER of Nicaragua, Managua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Jesus of History, Christs of Faith, and Hope that Another World Is Possible.
Lee CORMIE, Toronto, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

An Analysis of the ‘Notificatio’ from a Biblical Point of View.
Eduardo DE LA SERNA, Quilmes, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Jesus Christ as Chakana. Outline of an Andean Christology of Liberation.
José ESTERMANN, La Paz, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Jesus Christ Liberator: Christology in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Benedicto FERRARO, Campinas SP, Brasil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

A Global Vision of Jesus Christ in the Notification about Sobrino.
Eduardo FRADES, Caracas, Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

The Apostolicity of the Option for the Poor.
Luis Arturo GARCÍA DÁVALOS, Mexico City, Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Plural Christologies.
Ivone GEBARA, Camaragibe, Pernambuco, Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

The Gospels and the Formulae of the Old Councils: Text and Context.
Eduardo HOORNAERT, Salvador BA, Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Christology Becomes Provocative.
Diego IRARRÁZAVAL, Santiago, Chile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

A Liberating Christology is a Pluralistic Christology-with Muscle!
Paul KNITTER, New York, USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

The Rediscovery of the Kingdom in Theology.
João à___Bautista LIBÂNIO, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

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